Website Manager

Eastside Little League - Rochester, New York


Eastside Little League, our expenses are many, including field rentals, field and club house
development, insurance, training, league and tournament entry fees, equipment, uniforms and umpire costs. 

Registration fees alone do not cover these expenses. Without the financial support of local businesses we would be unable to provide an affordable, quality baseball program for the youth of the Rochester NY and surrounding areas.

Eastside Little League is a community based, all volunteer organization dedicated to providing the best sports opportunity to all youths, regardless of ability or gender. As a sponsor, you are providing the children of our community an opportunity to have fun and build character.

So we are reaching out directly to area businesses and friends, such as you, with the opportunity to become a Eastside Little League, sponsor!  

Any sponsorship level you select will be greatly appreciated.

Please take a moment to review the following sponsorship packages and select the one that best fits your business.

Thank you for your consideration and support.

Respectfully yours,

Patrick Turgeon
Eastside Little League
[email protected]

We are a Non-Profit Organization, your contributions a fully Tax Deductible.
(Tax Exempt No. EX-113-663)

Team Sponsorships

Sponsor a Team for only $300 !!

New this year!! Sponsor a team and get a Banner for only $425! - A $625 Value!!

Includes:  Your Company Name and/or Logo on the uniforms

A Web link on our website to your webpage

Team photo with your Company name

( Applies to both Regular and Post Season )


If you are a new sponsor, please send your logo in a JPEG or PDF format
to: [email protected]

Please note in the e-mail your preferred division to sponsor.
All requests are on a first serve basis. We will do our best to accommodate your request!

Available divisions:

Tee Ball (ages 5-6, boys & girls)
Rookie (ages 7-8, boys & girls)
Minors (baseball, ages 8-10, boys & girls)
Minors (softball, ages 7-10,  girls)
Majors Boys  (hardball, ages 10-12)
Majors Girls  (softball, ages 10-12)
Junior Boys  (hardball, 13-14)
Senior Boys  (hardball, 15-16)
Senior Girls  (softball, 13-16)

A - Frames & Banners


What a great, cost-effective  way to promote your company!

At each league game at Tryon Park these weatherproof
two sided “A” frame signs (24"x36") -  Only $275 per season
7' x 3' Banner Only  - $325 per season


Provide your company logo and message or we can help you with your design. 



Support Eastside Little League at Tryon Park in a timeless way and purchase a brick in our patio! - Starting at $250

World Series Sponsorship

World Series Sponsor - $1,000

Two - Regular Season Team Sponsorships

One - All-Star Team Sponsorship

One - "A" Frame sign

Your company representative is featured in Opening Day First Pitch Ceremony 


Download the Sponsorship form here:

ESL Sponsorship Form

Local Sponsors

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